Kevin Owens' Tattoos Tell Some Unique Stories (2025)


  • Owens' tattoos all have sentimental meanings, including family initials and shared tattoos with friends.
  • His love of animals is showcased through various tattoos, reflecting his recurring visits to the zoo.
  • Other WWE Superstars, like Orton and Mysterio, also have significant tattoos, with tributes to friends and colleagues.

Kevin Owens has been no stranger to the spotlight since bursting onto the scene against John Cena in 2015 as the NXT champion and has been a main-event talent. It did not take long for Owens to become a success in WWE, performing at a strong level as a heel and face. On top of that, his on-again, off-again relationship with Sami Zayn is one that always proves to be entertaining.

Since his debut, Owens has shared the ring with some of WWE's greats, including Randy Orton and Chris Jericho. Back in 2022, he got to share the ring with Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin, losing to his childhood hero at WrestleMania 38.

Over the years, in the eyes of everyone, many fans will have noticed the changes in the Canadian in terms of his tattoos. He originally featured on an episode of WWE Superstar Ink, Owens once joked he would get a John Cena tattoo. Speaking to Corey Graves, he revealed that his son loved Cena, stating it was the only thing he had constantly been a fan of. Graves was the host of the original show, which featured many of the company's big names, like Seth Rollins, AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio.

When he first debuted, Owens had one visible tattoo on his arm, which many fans pointed out resembled The Rock's Brahma Bull logo. However, it is not a tribute to The Great One, as many assumed, but shows his love for animals. KO said he never noticed the similarities to The Rock's logo, adding the nose ring and having the tattoo in the same spot on the same arm as The People's Champ. The former Universal champion revealed the stories behind them and showed some hidden by his ring gear.

KO Tattoos

Sentimental meaning behind some of his ink

Owens started by saying that he had always wanted tattoos, identifying Shawn Michaels as the first wrestler's ink he had noticed. However, he explained how he did not want to start his journey before knowing he could make a living as a wrestler. As a main-event talent in WWE, it is safe to assume he now makes a living from wrestling, given he has been a main-event attraction for some time now. Since his rise to the top began, we have seen his tattoos evolve alongside his wrestling ability.

Owens has revealed some sentimental meanings behind his tattoos, including his first one, the letter K on his ankle. He shared the story of his wife having the same tattoo, with their first names starting with the letter. He started his arm tattoo work by getting the word live inked on him, ensuring the e was backwards so it looked like the word evil. That is also a shared tattoo with Steve Corino, who is now a trainer at WWE's Performance Center. That tattoo represents the name of their faction in their Ring of Honor days. Discussing his relationship with Corino, he admitted that they do not speak as much now, and that is just a part of life, but revealed they were connected for life through those tattoos.


True Meaning Behind Kevin Owens' Unique Shirt on WWE SmackDown Revealed

WWE Superstar Kevin Owens donned a unique shirt on SmackDown recently, but there's a hidden meaning behind it.

The 40-year-old has more ink for family members, with his wife and kids' names tattooed on his wrist. As well as this, he has the initials of both grandfathers on his knuckles. Those initials also date back to his days on the independent scene, as he wrote both of their initials on his wrist tape but stopped wearing white tape in WWE. His grandfather's initials were another topic on the original Superstar Ink episode after he said they never got to see him in WWE, and how they would be proud of him. Owens also recreated a pirate logo for his parents on his forearm, combining his mom's love of skulls with her love of hockey and his dad's love of golf. This tattoo was created through the skull and using a golf club and a hockey stick as the crossbones at the bottom of the symbol.

KO's Love of Animals

Owens depicted his animal-loving side in tattoo form

Kevin Owens' Tattoos Tell Some Unique Stories (3)

A variety of animals are depicted in Owens' tattoos, and he shared his love of animals through these. He revealed that those animals are the ones he would consistently revisit at the zoo. Those animals depicted include his bull tattoo, one of his first visible in WWE. On the same arm, he bears a panda, a snake, a gorilla and a vulture. He also has alligators and crocodiles depicted, which he confesses he looks out for now as a Florida resident. His bull tattoo became somewhat of a signature for him as his zodiac sign is Taurus.

Revealing his love of animals, he told how he loved snakes and always wanted to own one but never had the chance. He expanded on his gorilla and panda tattoos by saying how he would revisit them at least five times on trips to the zoo. Through the vulture tattoo, he said how he would stand outside a vulture enclosure for hours waiting to see one open its wings, much to the annoyance of his children.


Kevin Owens Finally Confronts Sami Zayn on WWE RAW

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn faced off for the first time since the latter teamed up with Roman Reigns at Survivor Series.

Over the years, we have seen interviews with Superstars, who have suggested careers if they were not wrestling. Some have even undergone wild career changes, Kane being one example, who is now Mayor of Knox County in Tennessee. KO revealed his dinosaur tattoos, including fossils of a T. rex, a triceratops, which he pointed out as his favourite, and a brontosaurus and pterodactyl. When introducing those fossil tattoos, Owens revealed what his career choice would be if he had not become a professional wrestler. The 40-year-old said that the only career he could imagine himself doing outside of wrestling is digging up dinosaur bones. It is tough to imagine KO outside WWE, and even harder to imagine him as a palaeontologist discovering some of the Earth's oldest creatures.

Owens expanded on his dinosaur fossil tattoos by discussing how we do not know what the creatures looked like when they roamed our planet. Those fossils were his way of bypassing that issue because that is an accurate representation of them, revealing he did not want anything inaccurate as a depiction. There is one dinosaur tattooed on him, which is another tribute to his son, having one of his drawings on his arm within the sleeve. KO added additional details to the sleeve design with volcanoes and lava being part of the design, which he says is still a work in progress. With that, we can expect to see more work on that design, and who knows how it could end up looking.

Wrestling's History With Tattoos

Tattoos have featured more prominently in this modern era

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Tattoos were not something that featured prominently in the WWE during its rise to household fame in the 80s. Stars like Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior had at least one tattoo on their body, but they were not as prominent as they are now. Of course, it is not a requirement to have tattoos. Names like Gunther, Ric Flair and Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) have all achieved greatness and are considerable names for some of the best without tattoos to compete.

However, in this modern era, they have become more prominent among some of the best to step foot in the ring. While Samoan wrestlers like Roman Reigns embrace their cultural heritage through their ink, others showcase unique designs. Randy Orton is one of the first Superstars who springs to mind when thinking of wrestlers with prominent ink on display. Orton debuted with tattoos, but those have become more prominent over the years.

Another name is Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio, who joins Kevin Owens in paying tribute to someone from their past. Mysterio's cross tattoo features a tombstone in the middle, which bears the initials of the late great Eddie Guerrero. Mysterio and Guerrero were close friends during their time as competitors and the Master of the 619 still pays tribute to him frequently.

Kevin Owens' Tattoos Tell Some Unique Stories (2025)
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